i just got the exact same error that mary has posted above. i pulled the message out of the error database and ran it through the route testing tool. here is the error. not quite sure i understand it…
Command output:
Output going to stdout
06/05/2008 18:53:15
[xpm :xlt :ERR /0: UNNAMED_TID] QDX_Tcl_SplitList({}V) failed: list element in braces followed by “V” instead of space
What version of the engine are we talking about here? My concern is our plan to migrate from CIS5.3 Rev3 to CIS 5.6 Rev1 next month. We run our engine on AIX5.2 build 6.
the reason for my error is that i am passing a blank field into xlateInVals and the translation craps out. i haven’t figured out how to get tcl to handle it yet. putting an IF in the translation to skip it if it equals @null is my current way around it, but i dont like that as my final solution.
the {}V is me trying to add a V to the end of a field. the {} is representing that the field is empty. if i do a comparison where if the field == “” , it doesnt like “” and empty.
Look at any inline tcl code in your translation for that message. I have received similar errors when ever there has been a tcl error in a translation. If you run the message through the xlate testing tool you should be able to narrow down what tcl code is the problem.
From what you are describing it sounds like you are using the xlateInVals variable directly. You have to remember that this is a list and even if you only expect one value you need to use lassign or lindex to parse the value before using it. If you do this then the resulting value will be an empty string instead of {} when you do your comparisons.
John Mercogliano
Sentara Healthcare
Hampton Roads, VA