hcicyclesavemsgs error in 5.3 rev3

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf hcicyclesavemsgs error in 5.3 rev3

  • Creator
  • #48277
    Nicole Goodyear


      We just installed QDX5.3 rev 3 earlier this week and we’re unable to get the hcicyclesavemsgs script to run in cron.  Here is the cron:

      38 09 * * * /usr/bin/ksh -c ‘eval `/quovadx/qdx5.3/integrator/sbin/hcisetenv -root ksh /quovadx/qdx5.3/integrator ldmh`;hcicyclesavemsgs -d -o 30’>/quovadx/logs

      /qdx_ldmh_cyclemsg.log 2>&1

      Do we need to modify the hcisetenv file?  We have modified the hcicyclesavemsgs to reflect our new /quovadx/qdx5.3/integrator directory.  Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated!


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    • Author
      • #58237
        Mike Grieger

          Question – does the cycle work from command line?  (that is, when you set you site to one of the sites you want cycled, then issue the hcicyclesavemsgs -d -o 30 command, does it work?)

          I know this question was brought up a few weeks back.  Not sure what that individual ended up taking for the solution, as there were a few choices for them.

          At our facility, I don’t use that style cron call, with the hcisetenv (for times when we are doing upgrade testing on our production server and have multiple roots, I can have my script easily cycle sites running in different roots for instance).  I just have a script that I call from cron that contains the root set and the site cycle commands.

          cron entry:

          59 0,7,10,13,16 * * * /hci/scripts/cyclemsgs >/tmp/cyclemsg.log 2>&1



          setroot /hci/qdx5.3/integrator

          setsite prodmck

          hcicyclesavemsgs -d -o 14

          setsite prodsms

          hcicyclesavemsgs -d -o 14

          setsite prodepr

          hcicyclesavemsgs -d -o 14

          setsite prodtrans

          hcicyclesavemsgs -d -o 14

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