I have a situation. I need for the mlp driver not to show no-match: no more phrases to try in the log file when I receive a null value.
I have modified this pdl, but it did not work. Do you know what I need to do? Thank you.
proc read.error {info} {
keylget info type type
switch -exact — $type {
input-error {
hci_pd_report_exception 1 “device error (remote side probably shut down)”
hci_pd_ignore_input -all
no-match {
set bad_data [hci_pd_get_input {0 99999}]
if { $bad_data == {} } {
hci_pd_ignore_input -all
} else {
echo “–> Data received does not match MLP phrase ([clength $bad_data] bytes):”
dumpData bad_data
hci_pd_ignore_input 1
hci_pd_ignore_input -until xb
default {
hci_pd_report_exception 2 “unknown fail: $type”
hci_pd_ignore_input -all