looking for some general knowledge here. Our site uses both Quovadx and Screen Rejuvenator. The gentlemen working on S.R. and I are developing an interface where the two tools will communicate and work together.
So far I have a TCL procedure I found at my site from long ago. Someone working at the hospital once upon a time was attempting the same thing at some point I think, but it didn’t go anywhere. This procedure I can decipher up to a point. I get the file extraction and character stripping, however there’s another part I’m not getting.
Could anyone here tell me what this piece of code is actually doing?
# These are the params to call Screen Rejuvenator and the Logical App
set application [::tcom::ref createobject “ScnPool.ScnPool”
set objLogicalApplication [$application GetApplication “laChoices”
set hCommand [::tcom::ref createobject “ScnPool.Command
$hCommand name laDataEntry
# set paramenters
$hCommand SetParam UserId “IS.SCRC”
$hCommand SetParam UserPassword “BRJ68”
$hCommand SetParam AppDatabase “3”
$hCommand SetParam SSN [lindex $myMsg 3]
$hCommand SetParam AddressLine1 [lindex $myMsg 5]
$hCommand SetParam AddressLine2 [lindex $myMsg 6]
$hCommand SetParam City [lindex $myMsg 7]
$hCommand SetParam State [lindex $myMsg 8]
$hCommand SetParam ZipCode [lindex $myMsg 9]
$hCommand SetParam PhoneNumber [lindex $myMsg 10]
The code goes on like this for some time at this point.
Any input, as always, is greatly appriciated.
p.s. Someone eluded to me on here that they knew about this and that I should contact them. Unfortunately, she left me no way to actually contact her…