Copying repeating segments from Hl7 2.2 to 2.4

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf General Copying repeating segments from Hl7 2.2 to 2.4

  • Creator
  • #48058
    Amit Anand


      I am trying to copy repeating segments from HL7 2.2 variant to HL7 2.4 variant.

      For example: GT1 segments is repeating 3 times in my message. I tried the Bulkcopy, it just copied the first occurance of GT1.

      Secondly I tried to ITERATE the GT1 segment and then do a PATHCOPY of each occurance of GT1. This also copied just the first occurance of GT1.

      If I make the variant same for Inbound and OutBound then the Bulkcopy works.

      Can anyone suggest me a way to copy all the iterations of a repeating segment from HL7 2.2 variant to HL7 2.4 variant.

      Thanks a lot in advance


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    • Author
      • #57480
        Kevin Scantlan

          I would have thought that the PATHCOPY should have worked.  What did you iterate on?  The segment?  Perhaps the it should iterate on a group.  Take a look at the variant and see what is being repeated.

        • #57481
          Amit Anand

            Hi Kevin

            I iterated it on the segment. I have verified by passing the message through the variant to make sure I iterate it on the index.

            Any other suggestions!



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