Prior to the migration the HealthQuest system and the CICS region that hosted it would be brought down at midnight for end of day processing. This broke the connection from Cloverleaf to HealthQuest and Cloverleaf would try to connect until successful. Life was good….
Since the migration the CICS region is no longer brought down but the HealthQuest function SYST is used to close files and – sorta – stop the interfaces. What we see happening now is that the Cloverleaf connection to the HealthQuest HUBI transaction stays up but after sending a message to HUBI, Cloverleaf never receives the ACK message. I have validated that the ACK does not come to Cloverleaf by running an IPTRACE. Our workaround for now is to stop and start the thread which resets the Await Reply flag and re-sends the message.
Has anyone else had this problem?