In early versions of Cloverleaf there was a protocol called numfile that did exactly what you want. I believe by 3.8.1 it had been converted to a Tcl proc. Check your $HCIROOT/tclprocs directory for a file called numfile.tcl.
If you have it, you add numfile to the Outbound Data TPS for your thread. The proc requires 1 argument for filename. You can use
{NAME requisition.%9d} or {NAME requisition.%d}
depending on whether or not you want leading zeroes in the filename. We use the first form because the filenames sort nicely.
We do not use the second (optional) argument for the name of the counter file. It defaults to name-of-thread.CTR. If you wanted your counter file to be called requisition.CTR instead of threadname.CTR, you could include the argument {CTR requisition}
As a favor to my co-workers (and myself) I also change the Fileset/Local properties. In the Outbound section you probably have File: requisition. I change the filename to set_by_numfile_proc as a reminder of what is really happening.
Hope this helps.
Note to Quovadx staff: Since the % character is very unusual in filenames, it would be really nice to just put requisition.%9d (or requisition.%timestamp) in the outbound filename parameter.
- Mark Thompson