Puting a zero on to a date

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Puting a zero on to a date

  • Creator
  • #47904
    Jodi Agosta2

      Ok I know this should be easy but I can not seem to make this work. I am getting the date in two fields Century and date. Because the way that the date field is set up it is 8 long but contains only 6 numbers. The rest is spaces [ ex bb990305 where b is a blank] I grab this and format it, concat it with the century and it looks great until I get this : bbb50307. I have tried regsub and a host of other tcl comands to change that blank into a zero but it just isn’t working. I keep getting 20 50307. What am I doing wrong?

      Thanks in Advance,


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    • Author
      • #57035
        Charlie Bursell

          try this

          set dt ”   50307″

          # Adjust date to make it 6 bytes RJZF

          # Note I use “s” here just in case of not all digits

          set dt [format “%06s” [string trimleft $dt]]

          # Assume century of 20

          set century 20

          # If year greater than 50 (or some value) make century 19

          if {[string trimleft [string range $dt 0 1] 0] > 50} {set century 19}

          # Now just append them

          set newdate $century$dt

        • #57036
          Jodi Agosta2

            Hi Charlie

            Here is what I came up with using your suggestion:

            set xlatetemp [lrange $xlateInVals 0 0]

            set xlatetemp [format %06s [string trimleft $xlatetemp]]

            set xlateOutVals $xlatetemp

            See my mistake…I was bringing it in with a lrange and not a lindex…That was a two day exercise in making my hair even more gray than it already is.

            Thank you for being there for me. You sparked me to rethink about where the problem was.


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