Here is a quick and dirty I threw together. Didn’t do a lot of testing
# Set array of days in a month
array set dom
-format “%Y %m %d”]
# Separate out YYYY, MM, and DD for both the birthday and now
regexp — {(….)(..)(..)} $birthday {} byr bmo bdy
lassign $now nyr nmo ndy
# Remove leading zeros so we can do math
foreach var “byr bmo bdy nyr nmo ndy” {
set $var [string trimleft [set $var] 0]
# Compute days
# If Birthday days > now days the number of days is
# 0f days in last month – birthdate + now days
# also must take 1 away from months but remember 0 – 12
if {$bdy > $ndy} {
incr nmo -1
# if 0 or less set to 12 and decrement year
if {$nmo <= 0} {
set nmo 12
incr nyr -1
set nodays $dom($nmo)
# Adjust for leap year if required
if {$nmo == 2 && [expr {$nyr %4}]} {incr nodays}
set days [expr {$nodays – $bdy + $ndy}]
} else {
set days [expr {$ndy – $bdy}]
# Compute months
if {$bmo > $nmo} {
set months [expr {$bmo – $nmo}]
incr nyr -1
} else {
set months [expr {$nmo – $bmo}]
set years [expr {$nyr – $byr}]
echo AGE: $years Years, $months Months and $days Days
OK, all of you Tcl’ers. What did I forget here 8)