I am using QDX 3.8.1P rev 4. I am trying to do the following:
COPY OBR-4.1 -> OBX(0)-5.1
1(0).1(0).0(0).OBR.00238.[0] -> 1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX(0).00571.[0]
OBX Segment: OBX|1|TX|S05-18&rpt^^99DHT|||||N|||F
Resulting OBX: OBX|1|TX|Cytology&rpt^^99DHT|||||N|||F
Desired OBX: OBX|1|TX|Cytology^^99DHT|||||N|||F
The problem is that when I copy it only overwrites the “S05-18”. I need to be able to overwrite the entire field.
I’ve also tried using xpmfetch to get the subcomponent:
set result_type [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
set obs_id [lindex $xlateInVals 1]
# This returns the value before the & in the field (S05-18)
#xpmfetch $xlateId {~1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX(0).00571(0).[0]}
# This returns nothing
xpmfetch $xlateId {~1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX(0).00571(0).[1]}
puts [datget datum0 VALUE]
switch $result_type {
A {set xlateOutVals Autopsy}
C {set xlateOutVals Cytology}
H {set xlateOutVals Histology}
S {set xlateOutVals Surg Path}
N {set xlateOutVals Cytology}
default {set xlateOutVals $obs_id}
The problem is that the value that is BULKCOPY’d into OBX(0)-5.1 has an “&” in the middle of the text, so it is treated as a subcomponent. Whenever I try to access the field, I get back only the text up to the &. Is there any way to access/overwrite the entire text or will I need to do PATHCOPY’s for the segments I can and COPY the OBX fields?
Thank you, Ed.