I have a good one for the clovertech gurus–I can’t for the life of me make this work:
I want to translate a basic lab result into multiple VRL messages that call a stored procedure. My problem is with getting the OBX/5 to concatenate, based on whether or not the set id for that OBX is the same as OBX’s after it. If each OBX/1 (or OBX/3^1–obs_code), is unique, send each flat file w/ just that 1 obs_value, OBX/5, in the VRLS’s obs_value field.
If multiple OBX’s have the same set ID (and also the same obs_code), I want to concatenate the OBX/5, or obs_value, into one long result in the outgoing VRL’s obs_value field. So all the OBX’s w/ the same set ID would equate ONE outgoing VRL–OBX’s w/ different set ID’s would be single outgoing messages to the database.
I hope that makes sense. Right now, I can only get every OBX in one outgoing VRL message, even if the OBX’s have the same set ID. I can’t figure out how to concatenate and then continue.
I’ve attached example messages w/ explanation, and also my translation.
Thanks for any help.