Multiple Cloverleaf GUI Windows

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Multiple Cloverleaf GUI Windows

  • Creator
  • #121829
    mike brown


      Anyone ever had an issue with multiple cloverleaf GUI windows running on the same PC, not just one or 2, i mean like 2 or more like 5 windows open at the same time,

      I noticed weird issues when having more than 2 open at the same time, like Browsers not loading, the EDB or RDB not loading when low volume, Testing tool not running on

      any selection, things of that nature, just looking for any experiences with this.

      Thanks in advance for your thoughts


      Mike Brown

      Cloverleaf 20.1.3 v


      • This topic was modified 1 week, 5 days ago by mike brown.
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    • Author
      • #121831
        Lawrence Nelson

          Our team commonly has multiple (MANY) GUI sessions running – along with all our other enterprise Windows applications and etc.

          We’ve found that having the most RAM your PC device can have – equals a better experience. Next in line would be if you are working

          remotely – to have as solid a connection to the network as possible – with the most bandwidth you can afford to your home.



          Lawrence Nelson
          System Architect - MaineHealth IT

        • #121832
          mike brown

            Thank you, Lawrence,

            So it matters the Network speed (Remotely) you have set up on your Home network and that has a play on the GUI sessions you might want to open up.


          • #121833
            Jason Russell

              Have you opened task manager to see what the guis are trying to run?

              I have also noticed something odd with our set up. We have virtual desktops specifically for Cloverleaf development. They’re on the same virtual cluster that the servers are on.  However, we have Imprivata OneSign SSO to log into the desktops that auto-logs us off after 10 minutes. When the box is logged off of, and one of the GUIs are up, it will cause a lot of CPU alarms through the vSphere client. Once you log in, it dies back off. We’ve never found a root cause (hard to see what’s hogging the CPU when you’re logged off of the box), and this may be somewhat related. It seems when one of the guis are “idle” it causes problems. Again, it’s really hard to find the root cause when you can’t log in, even using remote powershell scripts to see what is running. If the GUI is completely closed out it never happens. It also happens a LOT less with 2022.09 vs 20.1.

              As for the network speed, I’m not sure how Cloverleaf caches data, but it does seem to pull data every time you open things and move around. Like I said on our setup, we have a pretty open connection to the server itself, and it can still take time. 20.1 was AWFUL with this, especially with the testing tool, it would take forever to load. Once we moved to 2022.09, much of it became substantially faster.

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