Cloverleaf IDE 2022.09 – List All SMAT Files Under the Site

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Cloverleaf IDE 2022.09 – List All SMAT Files Under the Site

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  • Creator
  • #121801
    Timothy O’Donnell

      Good morning!

      We’ve just upgraded from Cloverleaf 20.1 to 2022.09 for our Test system only, and we noticed the new “List All SMAT Files Under the Site” button in SMAT Database and we’re wondering if there is a setting somewhere to keep that “checked” permanently instead of having to check it each time we want to search our old SMAT files?

      We archive each day to a new file in a SmatHistory folder for each process and we initially thought our cycle SMAT scheduler tcl didn’t work because this is a new setting. Now we’re concerned that it’s a step backward, adding an extra step each time we want to view SMAT Database to toggle the SmatHistory folder and the files within to be seen.



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    • Author
      • #121804
        Jeff Dawson

          I was told by support there is no options feature to keep this enabled, hopefully this will be added as a feature enhancement.

          • #121805
            Timothy O’Donnell

              That’s upsetting. It really needs to be an option because adding that button, to me, is just a step backwards.

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