Save SMAT for Embedded PDF – without OBX-5 field

Homepage Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Save SMAT for Embedded PDF – without OBX-5 field

  • Creator
  • #121633
    Mike Itani

    Looking for a way to Save SMAT DB on the outbound threads, minus the Embedded PDF string…

    This will help with troubleshoot / message research without worrying about running out of storage.

    Thank you all for your suggestions.

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  • Author
    • #121634
      Jim Kosloskey

      I think SMAT records messages once they have been successfully sent so removing the PDF prior to SMAT means the OB message won’t have the PDF. Not what you want.

      One thing you could do is to use an Xlate chain and re-route with another ‘dummy’ thread as the destination that delivers the messages to a dev/nul file (essentially nowhere) and have the SMAT on that thread and not the one delivering to the downstream system.

      The Xlate Chain would have the Xlate that builds the message with the pdf followed by another Xlate that SENDS the original message to the downstream system thread and removes the OBX-5 with the PDF and re-routes another message missing the OBX to a new trxID which then routes to the ‘dummy’ thread.

      If you are not familiar with either chaining or re-routing, look in the documentation or email me and I will send you technique white papers on chaining and re-routing.

      Of course, you could also use Tcl to remove the OBX-5 on a route to the ‘dummy’ thread.

      The downside is you really do not have an exact copy of the message sent to the downstream system in SMAT, you have a copy that should be the same sans the OBX-5 with PDF.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

      • #121636
        Mike Itani

        Thanks Jim. We explored that option, however it will clutter the site with all the dummy threads. Also, given it was sent to a dummy thread, there is no real way of confirming that the downstream got it without any sorts of errors.

    • #121635
      Jim Kosloskey

      Actually, I think you might be able to do this within one Xlate and re-route one of 2 messages (the one without the PDF). Still 2 OB threads though.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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