Jim, all functions in $HCIROOT/tclprocs/xltpfuncstr.tcl use that, and it’s set to “c” in all cases. I’m assuming that value corresponds to the “c” in the data types documented in the XPM extensions and references:
<pre class=”pre codeblock”><code>xpmstore ?-list? xpmId field type args</code></pre>
<p class=”p”>This command stores values into the output fields of xpmId.</p>
<ul id=”fmr1491837647205__ul_59BA3A72711D4ED3B43AE4C12C1361D7″ class=”ul”>
<li id=”fmr1491837647205__li_FDB8E8AA35D94089B39D9945154D32AF” class=”li”>If <code class=”ph codeph”>-list</code> is used, <code class=”ph codeph”>args</code> is a list containing all of the values to store. Otherwise, the value list is all of the remaining arguments to the command.
<li id=”fmr1491837647205__li_B2375AEBC67542C38491DC9D37192D87″ class=”li”><code class=”ph codeph”>field</code> is interpreted as an output field. A leading <code class=”ph codeph”>@</code> identifies a temporary field variable. Input fields cannot be modified.
<li id=”fmr1491837647205__li_C04DCFCAFA8E443BB7F5EB1C39AF9987″ class=”li”><code class=”ph codeph”>type</code> identifies the default item type for the list, although the datum can be without identification. Type choices are <code class=”ph codeph”>c</code>, <code class=”ph codeph”>d</code>, or <code class=”ph codeph”>v</code>.
<p class=”p”>Store both strings and datum objects using this command.</p>
<ul id=”fmr1491837647205__ul_F53C29740C61488F86F3C9FCD52C5554″ class=”ul”>
<li id=”fmr1491837647205__li_DDC362680FED41F8B0E988D6DC8806DA” class=”li”>Constant strings use <code class=”ph codeph”>-c</code>.
<li id=”fmr1491837647205__li_A8B7C2DA9BC94693ABC0809A2F13CC17″ class=”li”>Datum objects use <code class=”ph codeph”>-d</code>.
<li id=”fmr1491837647205__li_B23CF0D16FA64A8CB0D8330944987B9E” class=”li”>Special values use <code class=”ph codeph”>-v</code>.
<p class=”p”>The only special value currently supported is null, which represents a value that is present, but empty. In HL7, for example, it is encoded as “”(two double-quotes). It is not treated specially in FRLs.</p>
<p class=”p”>Constant string values default to type <code class=”ph codeph”>ch</code> when stored. Specify an hci data type with a <code class=”ph codeph”>-type</code> datatype trailer.</p>