Newest version of Cloverleaf

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Newest version of Cloverleaf

  • Creator
  • #121071
    Steve Drozdowski

      Hi, we are currently running C/L 19.1.1 on AIX 7.2 and want to do an upgrade during the first half of this year.  The latest version appears to be 2022.09.02.  Is that a good version to migrate to?  Or is there a newer version that will be coming out within the next few months?  We want to upgrade to a stable version that we can stay on for a year or 2.


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    • Author
      • #121073
        Dirk Engels

          We have several customers running CIS 2022.09.02 on Windows and Linux so far and that works well. Actually no one on AIX, but I will do an upgrade to 2022.09.02 on AIX at a customer in February as we have no problems since Rev2 patch with 2022.09 on the other platforms.

        • #121081
          Robert Kersemakers

            Our Cloverleaf DMZ system is running on 2022.09 for a while: no problems there. Running 19.2 on our internal Cloverleaf. About to create a new Cloverleaf system in cloud (Azure); will most likely be 2022.09 as well.

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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