Closing down Cloverleaf completely (Linux)

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Closing down Cloverleaf completely (Linux)

  • Creator
  • #120990

      I got a question from one of our customers how to stop Cloverleaf completely.
      On Windows I would close the gui, stop all processes, stop the monitor daemon, host server and the Windows Service.
      What is the equivalent of the Window Service on Linux if any. (Cloverleaf version

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    • Author
      • #120991
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Torfinn,

          I think the Lock Manager is the Unix equivalent of the Windows Service. However: there will always be only one Windows service on a Windows Cloverleaf, but on Unix every site has its own Lock Manager.

          You use ‘hcisitectl’ to stop and start the Lock Manager. You also use this command to stop the Monitor Daemon.

          Stop Lock Manager: hcisitectl -k l
          Start Lock Manager; hcisitectl -s l

          Use ‘hcistiectl –‘ for more options. In a shutdown scenario you will first stop all processes in a site, then stop Monitor Daemon and Lock Manager in one go.

          Nowadays in an (RHEL) Unix High Availability Setup, you can also stop Cloverleaf completely by stopping the cluster resource. For example if your Cloverleaf cluster resource is named ‘cloverleaf’ you can stop it (under root) with ‘pcs resource disable cloverleaf’. The system will then stop all sites one by one, including Lock Manager and Daemon.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #120992
          Charlie Bursell

            Cloverleaf can be installed as as service on Unix

            Look at hciunixservice in the help files.

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