Which Alert File is Monitor Daemon Using

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Which Alert File is Monitor Daemon Using

  • Creator
  • #120558
    Jay Hammond

      Is there a way, at the command line, to tell which .alrt file is currently in use?  I found on here that alerts can be activated using: hcisitectl -r m -d 1 -A “m=-cl alert_name_here.alrt” but is there a way to tell which .alrt file the Monitor Daemon is currently pointed to?  I can’t find anything.  Thanks all.

      AIX 7.2


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    • Author
      • #120559
        Tim Pancost

          Hey, Jay,

          You could just look in the hcimonitord.log file in the $HCISITEDIR/exec/hcimonitord directory.  It should show the name of the alrt file used when starting the monitor daemon.  Here’s what mine looked like when using an alert file called diff_file.alrt:

          [prod:prod:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Copyright (c) 2022 Infor. A
          ll rights reserved.
          [prod:prod:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Infor Cloverleaf(R) Integra
          tion Services (monitord)
          [prod:prod:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Linked by root on host=(AIX
          mvaix71 1 7 00F6A40D4C00) at Thu Feb 10 23:01:43 2022 in /work/cloverrel/clover
          leaf/monitord (build 0)
          [prod:prod:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Started at Wed May 17 16:54
          :34 2023
          [prod:prod:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Monitord process is 1639302
          on host uthdchapepiet1
          [prod:prod:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Applying EO config: ”
          [prod:prod:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Log History feature is enab
          [aler:aler:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:05/17/2023 16:54:34] Try loading alerts config ‘
          diff_file.alrt‘ from Site ‘/cloverleaf/cis20.1/integrator/ancillary01/Alerts’



          Tim Pancost
          Trinity Health

        • #120570
          Jay Hammond

            Thank you, Tim!  That will definitely work. I was just hoping there was something I couldn’t find with the hcisitectl (or any other) command that would return the active file name for a quick look.

          • #120576
            Robert Kersemakers

              Hi Jay,

              We are on RHEL Linux and I normally do a ‘ps -ef|grep hcimon’ to be able to see this:


              TST_sapin_2646 /testdata/scripts> ps -ef |grep hcimon
              hci 7921 1 0 Jan18 ? 05:46:04 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S sapin
              hci 10570 1 0 Jan18 ? 03:29:32 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S sapout
              hci 11755 1 0 Jan18 ? 05:13:02 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S hcm
              hci 14561 1 0 Jan18 ? 03:29:15 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S overig
              hci 15221 1 0 Jan18 ? 11:28:10 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S dev
              hci 16668 1 0 Jan18 ? 12:16:05 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S dev
              hci 242965 1 0 Jan26 ? 00:38:37 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S opleiding
              hci 243106 1 0 Jan26 ? 00:48:42 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S opleiding_lars
              hci 3261867 3261453 0 15:51 pts/1 00:00:00 grep –color=auto hcimon


              The -S shows in which site the monitordaemon is running.
              If no alert file is mentioned then ‘default.alrt’ is used. But if you have specified a specific alert file, then it is shown as a -cl option:


              TST_sapin_2646 /testdata/scripts> ps -ef |grep hcimon
              hci 10570 1 0 Jan18 ? 03:29:32 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S sapout
              hci 11755 1 0 Jan18 ? 05:13:02 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S hcm
              hci 14561 1 0 Jan18 ? 03:29:15 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S overig
              hci 15221 1 0 Jan18 ? 11:28:10 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S dev
              hci 16668 1 0 Jan18 ? 12:16:06 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S dev
              hci 242965 1 0 Jan26 ? 00:38:37 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S opleiding
              hci 243106 1 0 Jan26 ? 00:48:43 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S opleiding_lars
              hci 3263469 1 2 15:52 ? 00:00:00 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl zuyderland_empty.alrt -S sapin
              hci 3263527 3261453 0 15:52 pts/1 00:00:00 grep –color=auto hcimon


              Now I need to find out why the monitor daemon is running twice in site ‘dev’…

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #120587
              Jay Hammond

                Very cool!  Thank you, Robert.

                I have one site listed thrice (willow_pharmacy) as well as another listed twice (vcloverleafdeva1) like your list:
                <p style=”padding-left: 40px;”>$ ps -ef | grep -i -e hcimon -e stime | grep -v grep
                hci 14352792 1 0 May 18 – 15:06 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_in
                hci 14614886 1 0 May 18 – 1:01 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S acc_reg_cycle
                hci 22806974 1 0 May 18 – 0:28 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S vcloverleafdeva1
                hci 24314290 1 0 May 18 – 0:48 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S willow_pharmacy
                hci 24838534 1 0 May 18 – 0:37 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S education
                hci 25297248 1 0 May 18 – 1:05 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_tst2
                hci 26476944 1 0 May 18 – 1:10 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S him
                hci 28836296 1 0 May 18 – 1:44 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl disabled_alerts.alrt -S willow_pharmacy
                hci 5112428 1 0 May 18 – 0:28 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl disabled_alerts.alrt -S vcloverleafdeva1
                hci 5636802 1 0 May 18 – 0:25 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S resource_management
                hci 7078568 1 0 May 18 – 5:24 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hoke
                hci 9437764 1 0 May 18 – 0:38 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S midas
                hci 9765398 1 0 May 18 – 1:04 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_documents
                hci 14156540 1 0 May 18 – 1:29 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_device_int
                hci 15270416 1 0 May 18 – 1:13 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_cupid_rad
                hci 15991426 1 0 May 18 – 23:48 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_out
                hci 17826444 1 0 May 18 – 7:10 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_adt_mfn_chgs
                hci 21168758 1 0 May 18 – 3:02 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_ord_res
                hci 23331492 1 0 12:20:40 – 0:00 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S willow_pharmacy
                hci 24314620 1 0 May 18 – 1:05 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_case_mgnt
                hci 26215024 1 0 May 18 – 3:28 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_beaker
                hci 29360820 1 0 May 18 – 0:39 /hci/cis20.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcidev_labor_deliv</p>
                After a bit of digging, it looks like the sites listed twice may be due to a manual stop/start of the monitor daemon.  And the process isn’t removed from the list?

                On the 18th, I was testing out starting/stopping monD with different *.alrt files; I guess that’s why those show up multiple times in the list with -cl <alert_name>.  I tried stopping monD in the willow_pharmacy site and the most recent entry was removed until I restarted and it showed again.  I also tried stopping/starting the host server for shiggles, but that didn’t change anything either.

                Also appears that maybe Linux and AIX list things slightly differently (e.g. AIX is showing -cl <alert_name> for all sites) which isn’t surprising.

              • #120595
                Robert Kersemakers

                  If I explicitly start the monitor daemon with Alert file ‘default.alrt’ then it is shown with ‘ps’. But if I restart the monitor daemon without an Alert file (so ‘default.alrt’ is implied) then ‘ps’ doesn’t show the -cl option.
                  Subtle Linux/AIX difference then.


                  TST_hcm_2646 /testdata/scripts> ps -ef |grep hcimon |grep “\-S hcm”
                  hci 378460 1 2 13:25 ? 00:00:00 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -cl default.alrt -S hcm
                  TST_hcm_2646 /testdata/scripts> hcisitectl -k m

                  Killing hcimonitord

                  Lockmgr is running on pid 24783
                  hcimonitord is NOT running
                  TST_hcm_2646 /testdata/scripts> hcisitectl -s m

                  Starting DB dependency check…

                  Starting hcimonitord

                  Lockmgr is running on pid 24783
                  hcimonitord is running on pid 379060
                  TST_hcm_2646 /testdata/scripts> ps -ef |grep hcimon |grep “\-S hcm”
                  hci 379060 1 4 13:25 ? 00:00:00 /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/bin/hcimonitord -S hcm
                  TST_hcm_2646 /testdata/scripts>

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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