For hciconnstatus to list the full name I would suggest back up the command file and update the following lines:
set fmt “%-15.15s %-28.28s %-10.10s %-15.15s %-20.20s” ;# Output line format
and you may want to adjust number of – characters in
echo “————— —————————- ———- ————— ——————–”
I would think of changing the the repeating characters to
echo “[string repeat \- 15] [string repeat \- 28] [string repeat \- 10] [string repeat \- 15] [string repeat \- 20]”
Or if in tcl, use ‘netconfig get process connections adt’, for example. Here is more info on that tcl command.
example: netconfig get process connections adt
epic_adt2_out epic_adt3_out epic_adtv3_out epic_adt_in epic_adt1_out epic_adt4_out
usage: netconfig action args
action args:
get connection count
get connection data <connection>
get connection list
get group connections <group>
get group count
get group list
get process connections <process>
get process count
get process data <process>
get process list
get destination data <dest>
get destination list
get version
ingroup <group> <connection>
inprocess <process> <connection>
load ?file?