failover issues with connectivity ::: Cloverleaf thread transient setting (?)

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf failover issues with connectivity ::: Cloverleaf thread transient setting (?)

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  • #120459

      Hello – ran into connectivity issues after failover testing was done.  In the new failover environment, the connection between CL and the receiving system goes “bad”.  Networking  says a transient connection from Cloverleaf works best in this scenario and may help the issue.  Where / how can Cloverleaf interface be set up as transient?  Anyone else encounter similar issues?

      The Cloverleaf thread looses connectivity and goes into an UP/Yellow status and it needs a restart on the Cloverleaf side.  The connection should remain active and need a restart after X number of minutes when the connection goes “bad”.  Thanks and advance.

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    • Author
      • #120460
        Jerry Sawa

          Is the connection “up” and msgs are queueing up on Cloverleaf but external is not sending Acknowledgement msgs?

          I restart threads with an ‘and’ alert if

          • connection is up
          • X or more msgs waiting to be sent
          • no acknowledgement received in X number of minutes.

          <p class=”post-title”>Details are in Clovertech under this topic – Alert for internal thread</p>

        • #120461

            Hello – thank you for the recommendation and the link to the details very much; will keep that option handy.   Have discovered that a pdl tcpip thread can be set up to delay the connection so that it connects when there is data to transmit and it would transmit one message per connection; would this option  generally be a performance issue in the engine for an adt thread with a steady flow of data?   Thanks again.

          • #120468
            Robert Kersemakers

              A persistent TCP connection could be disconnected by a firewall if, for a certain time, no messages are transmitted over the connection. Even the Cloverleaf GUI may freeze after a certain time.

              To avoid this, you can lower the ‘keepalive’ settings of the OS. These keepalive settings will regularly sent packages over an open TCP connection, in order to keep it open. By default (at least on RHEL) they are set too high (7200 seconds) so we need to lower them (300 seconds).


              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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