SFTP SSH license

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf SFTP SSH license

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  • Creator
  • #120364
    Vincent Mulder


      One of my clients makes use of Cloverleaf and needs to transport files to a SFTP location. They dont have a license for this (SSH?).

      Is it correact that this license available as an add-on?  Is there a ballpark figure how much this would cost?

      kind regards, Vincent



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    • Author
      • #120365
        Rob Abbott

          Hi Vincent, yes this is an add-on, it’s known as Secure Messenger.  The customer will need to reach out to their account executive for pricing.

          Rob Abbott
          Cloverleaf Emeritus

        • #120367
          Vincent Mulder

            Hello Rob,

            Thank you, now I can inform them what license they need.

            For a hospital how much would be the listprice approx?

            Kind regard,


          • #120373
            Vincent Mulder

              Hello Rob,

              I have received a ballpark figure from a quote 6 months ago.

              I was told it would take a long time purchase the licensense with Infor and get it installed on the system.  Is that true.

              I assume the customer can get a quote from Infor  in a few days and after payment the licensekey in a few days?

              just checking things. 😉

              Kind regards,


            • #120380
              Rob Lindsey

                There are other ways to do a SFTP push off of the server that is running Cloverleaf.  It does not have to be through a thread.

                Just presenting options as I know money can be tight in budgets.

                Rob L

              • #120387
                Robert Kersemakers

                  Yes, I have written some UPOC scripts to pull/push files via sftp. These worked fine, until something weird happened. We now use the built-in sftp option (with Secure Messenger license) and these work much smoother. Highly recommended, but if interested I can provide the sftp-scripts.

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                • #120412

                    What is the Secure Messenger license option called in the license file?

                    How can I check if I have this option?

                  • #120428
                    Robert Kersemakers

                      From our current CL19.1 license.dat:

                      FEATURE cl-aom-ftps
                      FEATURE cl-aom-sftp
                      FEATURE cl-aom-ssl

                      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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