In the near future we’re going to be adding a LOT of new facilities based on service within our EMR and as such the associated messages would need to be routed to their specific threads. Looking just at our ADT for starters, there are applications which would ONLY need certain facilities; AA, BB and CC for example, while others will ONLY need DD or EE. Our all-else-fails solution would be managing a LOT of kills on the routes based on facility, but that’d be a headache to manage. We’re trying to see if the Wild Card Routes could be purposed to look at MSH.3 since all available documentation seems to point only to MSH.9. Searching Clovertech it appears it’s possible by changing what field it looks at but I’m not able to find where the change is made.
The end goal would be to have 1 inbound ADT thread, with separate Wild Card Routes filtering based on MSH.3 so we can manage all filtering in 1 location.
Thanks in advance!