I was asked to connect to an API using an https url and basic authentication. The API is an internal one.
I can connect in this manner using the basic http-client thread and POST. The call to the API is successful and the message/data updates the backend database.
I cannot connect in this manner using the java/ws-rawclient thread and GET. I get errors along the lines of:
java.lang.RuntimeException: RuntimeException invoking https://xx.xx.xx.xx:1234/api/Interface/xxxxxxxxx: java.lang.RuntimeException: HostnameVerifier,
I’ve tried various settings on the java/ws-rawclient thread with no affect (e.g., enabling TLS). There is no certificate. It makes more intuitive sense that the call would fail than that it would succeed.
But I am curious as to why the http-client works and the java/ws-rawclient does not. Is it the thread, is it the call (POST vs GET), it is both?