xlateStrLength not working?

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf xlateStrLength not working?

  • Creator
  • #119875

      I’m trying to trace an XLT and one part I get stuck at is there’s an IF statement that’s doing a xlateStrLength on what looks like a normal 3 character string but for whatever reason, it’s going down the ELSE path which leads me to think the xlateStrLength isn’t working… has anyone run into this? Or am I crazy?



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    • Author
      • #119877
        Robert Kersemakers

          There’s an xlateStrLength inside the actual IF statement? Don’t think that will work.
          If a complex IF statement is needed then do the computation beforehand with a COPY  and put the result (Y/N) in a @result variable. Then check in the IF whether @result eq =Y.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #119881

              sorry, should’ve clarified, it’s not in the actual IF statement, it’s setup like you described

              basically, it’s saying @result eq=N when I’m expecting it to be Y

          • #119884
            Jay Hammond

              Be sure there is a space between eq and =

              value eq =Y

              That’s bitten me a few times.

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