It seems it ought to be simple, which means I am probably just overlooking a simple step. I have configured a ws-rawclient to call a GET endpoint.I can call the endpoint from curl on the command line of the server, so I know the endpoint is reachable.
There is a Bus, Conduit and RawConsumer. Conduit has default settings for connection timeout and receive timeout. The Name in the Conduit matches the Address in the RawConsumer. RawConsumer specifies GET.
I have configured this thread to be the initial thread in the process, to call the GET, receive a response, and send the response (JSON formatted data) to a file (for now, just for testing). However, I can’t see any sign of the GET endpoint being called. No errors in the logging. And no response data. The logging shows this (GET_DATA_OLR is the process):
Receiving a command
Received command: ‘GET_DATA_OLR_xlate xrel_post’
Doing ‘xrel_post’ command with args ‘<none>’
Receiving a command
Received command: ‘GET_DATA_OLR_xlate xrel_post’
Doing ‘xrel_post’ command with args ‘<none>’
Receiving a command
Command client went away. Closing connection.
Receiving a command
Command client went away. Closing connection.
Receiving a command
Received command: ‘GET_DATA_OLR_xlate xrel_post’
Doing ‘xrel_post’ command with args ‘<none>’
Receiving a command
Command client went away. Closing connection.