CL 19.1.1 – For an Xlate, I was provided a TCL proc to get the last day / date of the month to copy to a field. The date is coming in as 2021-12-31T00:00:00, I need to format to yyyymmdd using the Args and not Clock Format. There are arguments in the script to use that I don’t know where / how to apply in the Xlate Copy, looking for guidance there:
;# Argument required by the proc are:
;# 1. DateInSeconds: Input Date, Optional argument. Default current date.
;# 2. InDateFormat: Format of input date, Optional argument. Default ‘yyyymmdd’ i.e in TCL %Y%m%d
;# 3. OutDateFormat: Format of output date, Optional argument. Default ‘yyyymmdd’ i.e in TCL %Y%m%d
ac_Puts “i” “<<PROC acXlte_GetLastDateOfMonth>> args: $args xlateInVals: $xlateInVals” $xlateId
set dateInSeconds [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
set inDateFormat [lindex $xlateInVals 1]
set outDateFormat [lindex $xlateInVals 2]