tcl proc that nulls a specified segment’s subfield

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf tcl proc that nulls a specified segment’s subfield


  • Creator
  • #119316
    DS Hunt

      I would be most grateful if anyone is willing to share a tcl proc that will null a specified subfield. My need is to null PV1-3.9.

      In my case, I would add this proc to the TPS Inbound Data parameters on the Inbound data tab.

      Thank you in advance.

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    • Author
      • #119317
        Charlie Bursell

          Why not simply use translate?

        • #119320

            have you checked your root tclprocs directory? I think Cloverleaf comes with some generic tps and xlt procs (e.g. tpsForceHl7Field, xltStringToLower) that might help.

          • #119321
            Gene Millard

              Here is one we use to put null in PID-3.3.

              Gene Millard

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              The Guthrie Clinic
              Sayre, PA

            • #119324
              DS Hunt

                Thank you. I looked in the root tclprocs directory and there are only 42 procs; neither of your example is there. <puzzled>

              • #119325
                DS Hunt

                  Putting it on a translate would be way more work since I’d have to have a separate xlate for HL7 A17, A08 and A45 messages because the message structure is different for each.

                  Having the pre-proc will null out the subfield for each instance of the segment in a message without me having to create separate xlates.

                  Thanks for the collaboration.

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