Version: 6.2.4 SMATdb – Turning off encryption

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Version: 6.2.4 SMATdb – Turning off encryption

  • Creator
  • #118888
    Lawrence Nelson

      I have turned off decryption on our SMATdb files.  (no need to discuss the whys)

      Only the SMATdb files from the point of turning off encryption are not encrypted, all files to until that point in time are still encrypted.

      Are there any known methods to have the encryption turned “off”  on the still encrypted files? In particular in one mass process – turning off/on all the processes  is very tedious.

      Additionally – I’ve tried this command without success –

      hcidbcrypt -I -d -p <sitename>  <smatdbfile.smatdb>

      which only returns –


      hcidbcrypt -I -d -p <sitename> <smatdbfile.smatdb>
      dbd /quovadx/cis6.2/integrator/<sitename>/exec/databases, dbf /quovadx/cis6.2/integrator/<sitename>/exec/databases

      Database Encryption Utility
      RDM Embedded 9.2 [05-Apr-2013]
      Copyright (c) 1992-2013 Raima, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

      dbcrypt: Error (-44) failed to open database icldb
      Fail to decrypt icl db.


      Lawrence Nelson
      System Architect - MaineHealth IT

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    • Author
      • #118889
        Charlie Bursell

          Try this for the encrypted files

          hcicrypt decyrpt -f file name

          I suppose you could write a shell script to do every file.

        • #118914
          Lawrence Nelson

            Charlie – 

            I didn’t catch it right off but I’m gathering there’s a misspelling of “decrypt” in your response above.  Also, want to repeat we are on 6.2.4 (not version 19 or 20)

            That being said – when I run the command provided I get this response back and file is not decrypted. Due to word wrapping below I’ve also attached a screen shot. Side note – When issued the command there was messaging around having to stop processes as the previous commands required.

  > hcicrypt decrypt -f to_SCC_orders_outQ.20201107000340.smatdb
            POw▒uInvalid encrypted data

  > hcicrypt decrypt -f to_SCC_orders_outQ.20201108000331.smatdb
            Invalid encrypted data
            ▒▒N ▒R▒▒▒▒z▒C▒▒M▒Ui▒▒▒]_▒▒▒▒▒▒▒Tα▒
            ▒▒▒ʣ▒▒A▒ ▒▒X▒<ϑ/▒R▒▒▒▒= [▒▒b▒.▒▒▒ľ6(▒▒▒▒,▒▒▒E▒▒▒▒bn[▒YΫ▒▒▒:3V▒▒▒~▒▒▒ໝ▒

            You must be logged in to view attached files.

            Lawrence Nelson
            System Architect - MaineHealth IT

          • #118916
            Charlie Bursell

              Time to contact Cloverleaf Support

              • #118917
                Lawrence Nelson

                  Did that at the same time I posted. Thanks again.

                  Lawrence Nelson
                  System Architect - MaineHealth IT

              • #118922
                Lawrence Nelson

                  Hi Charlie –

                  Figured it out.

                  hcismatcrypt rekey  <sitename> <key(sitename)> <file(smatfilename)> <newKey(”)>

                  (2 single quotes sets the key to blank or off)

                  Thank you for your assistance.

                  Lawrence Nelson
                  System Architect - MaineHealth IT

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