We are running CIS on AIX 7.2 TL 2. one of the most popular questions our interface team gets asked is, “Was the message sent to system X?”, If so what time was the data sent and possibly provide the ack message (rare occasions getting the request to provide the ack).
This process started when our Health System ran Eclipsys as their HIS and used eLink as the Interface engine. This tracefile process would capture the raw untranslated message (input), the translated message (output), and vendor’s HL7ack to be saved to a file named specifically to System X’s name. This process was migrated over when our system switched to Cloverleaf 10 + years ago, for example sending Radiology orders to Pacs, you could see the input time of the message, the output time of when the message was sent, the ack time from the vendor. You can look at the input, raw message vs the translated message in case any questions regarding formatting came up in this tracefile that was created named TApacs<hosptal abbreviation>. One other side note when we upgraded to 6.2 a few years back we changed from SMAT File to SMAT Sqlite DB’s.
As helpful as this process is from a testing/troubleshooting standpoint I feel its an antiquated process, that involves a lot of extraneous file I/O from an SAN perspective. I was wondering what type of process other Cloverleaf users follow as I’m sure this is a pretty common question in our line of work, “Was the messages sent to system X?”