inter-process routing socket connection

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf inter-process routing socket connection

  • Creator
  • #117833
    Elisha Gould


      Currently we have a couple of cloverleaf sites that need to route between processes.

      We recently had extra firewall rules added, which broke the routing between the processes, because the routing appears to make a tcp socket connection using the primary IP address rather than localhost.

      Is there any way to get cloverleaf to use localhost for the routing from one process to another rather than the primary IP address?


      I’ve requested an update to the firewall rules to allow loopback connections on the primary IP address, but I’m curious why it doesn’t use localhost instead.

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    • Author
      • #117836
        Charlie Bursell

          First what operating system.  Are you specifying localhost in the properties of the TCP/IP connection?  Assume you are.

          If Windows see:

          If Unix take a look at /etc/hosts to see what address localhost is mapped to.


        • #117851
          Elisha Gould


            It’s under linux.

            Found out the reason was Cloverleaf 6.1 is using the hostname to make the socket connection for routing between processes.

            When we had the updates done, the server IP address was changed, but the hosts file hadn’t been updated with the new IP address, so was trying to talk to the old IP.

            I still don’t understand the logic of using the hostname over localhost for these connections.

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