My concern is for the wrench this throws into scripts that work with smat files.
It’s a particular problem if those scripts use an alpha sort to put the files into date/time order. The new format breaks that method.
For example:
hcitcl>set fileList
hcitcl>lsort $fileList
jef2020-01-02_23-45-00.idx jef20200102100345.idx jef20200102223018.idx
The change in the format causes the list to sort out of order. The newer format file sorts to the front of the list because of the dash after the year, but it ought to sort to the end.
Like this:
hcitcl>set fileList
jef20200102100345.idx jef20200102223018.idx jef20200102234500.idx
hcitcl>lsort $fileList
jef20200102100345.idx jef20200102223018.idx jef20200102234500.idx
Fortunately, our scripts sort files by mod time, so that’s not an issue, but we still need to support the new format in addition to the old one.
I was looking for files like xyz<CCYYmmddHHMMSS>.msg, for example.
Now, since I’m looking back in my stored SMAT files, I need to support the new datestamps as well.
It’s not that it’s a huge amount of overhead – it’s just aggravating. I think this was a problem that didn’t need solving.
Jeff Dinsmore
Chesapeake Regional Healthcare