Issues using HL7 configurator

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  • #112975
    Marion Partridge

    I copied a message in one of my variants and then made changes to the copy. I used the copy in my xlate, but it appears that the inbound messages are trying to load into the message that I copied from, instead of the copy, even though I have used the copy in my xlate configuration. Therefore, I am getting segments out of order error messages in my process log.

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  • Author
    • #112977
      Jim Kosloskey

      Does the message name in the copied message match the Message ID in the MSH segment of the actual message or does the Message ID of the MSH segment of the message match the old message name?

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #112978
      Marion Partridge

      I copied ORM_O01 to ORM_O01_SOFT (highlighted), and it seems like any inbound messages using the variant which is configured with ORM_O01_SOFT is actually trying to load into ORM_O01 instead. The order of the DG1 segments for the two messages is different, so anything using the copy is throwing an error. Please see attachment.

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    • #112981
      Robert Kersemakers

      At some point in the flow (not sure where exactly) Cloverleaf will look at the message, determine the sort of message (ORM_O01) and then hold it against the HL7 variant and use message ORM_O01. So it will never use ORM_O01_SOFT, except in the Translation as you explicitly told it to.

      Instead of making a copy of the message in the variant, you will need to create a new variant and in this new variant change the message ORM_O01 to your needs.

      Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

    • #112988
      Jim Kosloskey

      To test this change one message MSH-7 to ORM_O01_SOFT then run in Xlate tester and see if that does not change things.

      If it does, there is proof you will need a different variant.

      Robert is correct though in that you need a specific variant for SOFT. In my opinion you should have one anyway – sharing variants is not a good idea in the long run.


      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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