I have a simple problem but not able to figure out. I have an issue where I am passing an address line to a xlate tcl. The TCL reads in each work and turns it to proper case with tupper/tolower commands. All this works fine, but some of the address fields have two blanks between the street and the second address line. The TCL returns the double brackets {} for the blank instead. What simple thing am I overlooking that will remove double spaces?
Outbound message
||950 Calcon Hook Road {} Suite 15^^Sharon Hill^PA^19079^^O||
Tcl code
set inList [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
set inListSplit [split $inList ” “]
foreach item $inListSplit {
set item [string tolower $item 1 end]
set item [string toupper $item 0 0]
set xOut [lappend xOut $item]
set xlateOutVals