any else who has recently installed CIS 19.1?

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf any else who has recently installed CIS 19.1?

  • Creator
  • #110827
    Nancy McDaniel

      We have been testing CIS 19.1 on our test cloverleaf server for the last 2 months and are planning on upgrading our prod Linux server from 6. to CIS 19.1.

      Anyone who has recently upgraded their production environment to CIS 19.1?

      We have had several isolated issues that have been difficult to re-create and trying to get an idea of whether others have had or are currently experiencing with this upgrade version?

      Some of the recent issues we have seen with this version in our test environment.

      1. crashed processes – we have had several processes that have crashed – we see some warnings about message segments and message types not recognized.
      2. testing with an application that does not keep persistent connection. They would see occassional wait on ack error on their side.  We turned up the logging at the process level and see that we received a message and sent out an ack.  We could not see that message in the recovery database or the OB ack that we sent.  Also the message was not in the recovery or error database.  Later, the application sent another message and it was processed and we can see it in SMAT.  We have logged an incident with Infor and it went to R&D.
      3. Occassional blank alert emails – we saw them initially and discovered we had an orphaned hcimonitor process without a path (from initial upgrade date) and once we killed it most of the alerts emails are not empty.  But we have gotten an occassional one and the alert2email log file indicates some permission issue.
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