output data validation failure (308)

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf output data validation failure (308)


  • Creator
  • #110520
    Shelbi Engle

      Does anyone know WHY this happens?

      msgState          : output data validation failure (308)


      [msg :RecF:WARN/0:  adt_xlate:–/–/—- –:–:–]  ^

      [xpm :xlt :WARN/0:  adt_xlate:07/02/2019 19:26:49] Message encode warnings: Fatal Error generated during parsing. – Invalid byte ‘N’ at position 2 of a 2-byte sequence – Line 1, Col 1

      [xlt :xlat:ERR /0:  adt_xlate:07/02/2019 19:26:49] [0.0.8331808] Xlate ‘hl723adt_to_xml.xlt’ failed: Output validation errors: Fatal Error generated during parsing. – Invalid byte ‘N’ at position 2 of a 2-byte sequence – Line 1, Col 1

      [xlt :rout:ERR /0:  adt_xlate:07/02/2019 19:26:49] Xlate error in route detail ‘XLATE hl723adt_to_xml.xlt’ under Trxid ‘ADT_A(0[1-9]|1[1-3])’ to Dest ‘qs_xml_output’

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    • Author
      • #110523
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Shelbi,

          Yes, this looks like an encoding issue. Most likely the inbound message is ‘latin1’ or ‘ISO-8859-1’ but you have the inbound thread on encoding ‘UTF-8’. This way Cloverleaf will not do any encoding conversion, but will then receive a weird combination of bytes, which are illegal in UTF-8.

          Try changing the encoding on your inbound threat from ‘UTF-8’ to ‘ISO-8859-1’, or the correct encoding that your incoming message has.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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